It has been an incredibly sweet year for Montreal comedian, Sugar Sammy - after recently reaching the 100K mark of tickets sold for his hilarious show You’re Gonna Rire 2 in Quebec and across Canada, tickets continue to fly off the shelves at unbelievable pace. All of his 2023 shows in Montreal are sold out, as well as the upcoming shows in January and February, 2024. To keep up with the incredible demand, 18 new shows have been added in Montreal and Gatineau and more new shows to be announced soon. Tickets available now at
Hot on the heels of a stellar year at home, Sugar Sammy is also planning his return to Canada in...
The Montrealer will be performing a new show on a 20-city tour starting March 22 and running through Aug. 31.
He has conquered this city, province and country with his piquant equal-opportunity bilingual satire You’re Gonna Rire 2. He’s constantly killing on the franco comedy front in Europe, with barbs directed at enthralled audiences that soak it all up.
But is the U.S. ready for the full-on Sugar Sammy attack? We’ll find out soon enough.
The Montreal native is set to launch his biggest-ever comedy invasion of the U.S. Starting on March 22 and running through Aug. 31, he will be performing a newly created anglo show — with no shortage of political and social potshots — on a...
Le populaire humoriste québécois Sugar Sammy ajoute 86 nouvelles dates à son agenda, dont 18 au Québec. Deux ans après sa dernière tournée aux États-Unis, il se produira dans pas moins de 21 villes américaines en 2024.
Les prochaines représentations montréalaises du spectacle You’re Gonna Rire 2 affichant complet, Sugar Sammy reviendra à la Salle Pierre-Mercure, située dans le Quartier des spectacles, les 23 et 24 février, ainsi que les 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 et 16 mars. Il sera également à Gatineau, au Musée canadien de l’histoire, les 9 et 10 février. Certains...
Sugar Sammy est moins virulent envers les candidats de La France a un incroyable talent, depuis le début de cette 18e saison. Le sniper du jury a-t-il s’est-il vraiment adouci ?Depuis le début de cette 18e saison, l’humoriste Sugar Sammy semble avoir rangé ses piques de venin. Le Canadien paraît plus bienveillant, aimable, verse quelques larmes et est même le premier à prendre la parole pour féliciter
It was a sold out crowd at the Salle Pierre Mercure last Saturday night (June 3) that witnessed what Montreal comedian Sugar Sammy had to say in his new bilingual show “You’re Gonna Rire 2”.
And amongst the torrents of laughter that emitted from this bilingual, multi-cultural audience – and a few groans (but hey, that’s to be expected) – you quickly realized that Sugar Sammy is a shining example of the stand-up comedian as social observer and critic, especially when it comes to the raw nerve that is the state of unpredictability and absurdity in the province of Quebec.
Needless to say, Sammy was in top form and certainly did not disappoint. His quiver was full of pointed arrows and hit the target...
While much of You’re Gonna Rire 2 is scripted, a good portion isn’t.
It’s a grittier, much harder-hitting Sugar Sammy. But if you were tickled by his first bilingual spectacle, his follow-up, You’re Gonna Rire 2, will induce uncontrolled body spasms, and, guaranteed, you will “rire” like you haven’t for far too long a time.
It’s been seven years since Sugar Sammy wrapped his ground-breaking, first You’re Gonna Rire, the best-selling debut one-man show in Quebec history.
Thankfully, Sugar Sammy is back and just in the nick of time for audiences more in need of mirth than ever. He has kicked off
À l’occasion de son retour sur les scènes québécoises avec le spectacle You’re gonna rire 2, à la suite du fameux one-man show bilingue avec lequel il a tourné pendant quatre ans, La Presse a invité l’humoriste Sugar Sammy à devenir directeur d’un jour de la section Arts et être.LE MOT DU DIRECTEUR : POURQUOI SUGAR SAMMY« Crois-tu qu’on peut rire de tout ? » À cette question d’une lectrice, Sugar Sammy répond le plus simplement du monde, non sans effet comique : « Oui. » Cette assurance que l’on peut tout tourner en...
His new show, You’re Gonna Rire 2, is already the hottest ticket in town, and he’s just getting started.
He seems so chill surveying the city atop Mount Royal. He loves the view, all the more so since one can’t really discern detour signs, orange cones or construction chaos from this vantage point.
So does Sugar Sammy in mellow mode suggest his new show, You’re Gonna Rire 2, will be a softer, gentler version of the first?
Yeah, right!
“I’m just looking at the city as I get ready to invade it,” Sugar Sammy chimes, that ever-mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
While again bringing the two solitudes together with much mirth on one level, Sugar Sammy will get...
Sugar Sammy, on the cusp of launching his You’re Gonna Rire2 tour, was once again voted #1 Best Comedian in the Best of MTL readers poll.
Click here to read the full article
L'humoriste québécois Sugar Sammy est de passage sur la côte ouest pour trois spectacles à Surrey et Vancouver. Connu pour son humour assez direct, il croit que son rôle est de parler des choses qui dérangent.
Écoutez l'entrevue au complet ici.
L'humoriste Sugar Sammy connaît un véritable succès au Canada, aux États-Unis et en France. Il se produit cette semaine à Surrey et Vancouver dans le cadre du Festival Juste pour rire. L'artiste revient sur ses débuts et présente son nouveau spectacle You're Gonna Rire 2. Écoutez l'entrevue au complet ici.
Renowned Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy joins Global News Morning ahead of his sold-out shows in Surrey and Vancouver to discuss his approach to comedy and why no topic should be off limits.
Watch here.
A decade after changing the face of stand-up with his bilingual tour “You're Gonna Rire,” Montreal comedian Sugar Sammy brings his truly multicultural humour back to Canada with a new cross-country tour, “You’re Gonna Rire 2.” He shares why raising eyebrows in this hotly political time is more fun — and more important — for him than ever.
Click here to listen to the full interview.
Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy is back touring the country and returns to Surrey this week, at Bell Performing Arts Centre on the night of Friday, Feb. 17, 7 p.m. start.
The 1,000-seat show is pretty much sold-out, judging by the theatre’s online seating map. He’s also booked to perform two shows at Vancouver Playhouse on Saturday, Feb. 18.
So what makes Sugar Sammy so funny (and apparently popular)? Find out why in this list of 10 funny, odd and interesting things about the not-so-sweet comedian.
He’s a Leap Day Baby, born on Feb. 29, 1976, nearly 47 years ago. “We’re way more special than most of the population, right out of the gate,” he joked in a phone interview with a fellow...
The stand-up comedian stops by to dish on his brand-new Canadian tour.
Comedian, Sugar Sammy is known for shaking things up during his shows by speaking about uncomfortable and taboo topics. He recently stopped by during his Canadian tour to chat about what we can expect at his shows and how the pandemic has changed comedy as a whole. Watch the video clip to learn about his Montreal roots and why he’s not afraid to hold back when it comes to telling jokes.
Quebecois comic Sugar Sammy is doing it for the culture. The funny man brings his tour to nine Canadian cities and couldn't be happier to be home. Watch the interview: ETALK| S21:E87 | Friday, February 3, 2023 - CTV
En tournée canadienne, Sugar Sammy s'est arrêté à La Billetterie pour parler des différences en humour d’une province à l’autre et de la façon dont il adapte son matériel à chaque ville qu'il visite. Écoutez l'entrevue au complet ici.
Comedian Sugar Sammy joins Moore In The Morning ahead of his Toronto shows. Listen to the interview.
En tournée à Toronto, Sugar Sammy est passé par les studios de Radio-Canada. En entrevue avec Gabriel Garon du Téléjournal Ontario, il donne un avant-goût de son spectacle «You’re gonna rire 2». L’humoriste en profite également pour revenir sur des moments marquants de sa carrière. Sugar Sammy est en spectacle au théâtre John Bassett du Centre des conventions de Toronto, les 27 et 28 janvier.
Regardez l'entrevue ici.
Comedian Sugar Sammy has made a career on speaking about uncomfortable topics, and he plans to bring that same brand to the Halifax concert this week.
His Friday, January 20 show will feature the multi-talented stage presence at his best. He can’t wait to do the show in the area.
“This is my second time doing the solo show in Halifax. I came during my 2019 Canadian tour, and we’re already sold out,” said Sugar Sammy. At the time of the interview, he had just released obstructed seats, and that’s all that was left.
He wrapped up four shows in Winnipeg this week, and will head to a double-header in Moncton afterwards.
“I love the Maritimes. It’s loose and people make shows an evening out....
Episode Description
It’s not JUST another Saturday night, it’s a whole new YEAR of comedy!! We’re kicking off 2023 one on one with Montreal’s NOTORIOUS Sugar Sammy… The international headliner who went from hometown hero, to selling out theatres all over the globe. He’s a festival favourite, a network TV mainstay, and one of Canada’s most successful standups… It’s a full hour of pure unfiltered Sugar Sammy! I’m Dean Young and we’re about to go… INSIDE the joke!
Listen to the full interview
L'humoriste Sugar Sammy amorce sa tournée canadienne, avec plusieurs dates dans l'Ouest.
Il est corrosif, provocateur, il n’épargne personne, y compris les microbiologistes de Winnipeg ou les hippies de la Colombie-Britannique. Sugar Sammy nous parle du rôle de l'humoriste et de son enviable position d'outsider.
Écoutez l'entrevue en entier ici.
Connu aussi pour être juré dans La France a un incroyable talent, Sugar Sammy avait bien hâte de repartir en tournée. Son premier arrêt? Winnipeg. « Ce que j’adore le plus? C’est la tournée! J’ai attendu que la Santé publique retire les restrictions sanitaires pour pouvoir interagir avec mes spectateurs. En Amérique du Nord, la culture des comédies club est très présente. Alors faire deux spectacles par soir c’est quelque chose d’assez courant. J’ai l’habitude maintenant. Il m’est déjà arrivé d’en faire trois par soir.
« Je commence par Winnipeg par choix. J’aime...
Sugar Sammy, live in the studio on QX104 Country, chats with Zap about his recent work and upcoming projects. He highlights the buzz surrounding his Winnipeg show, which is already close to being sold out. The interview also delves into exciting rumors about his future plans and potential new ventures.
Litsen to the full interview here.
Canadian comedian heading to Winnipeg
Canadian comedian Sugar Sammy gives the details on his 2023 tour and his upcoming stops in Winnipeg.
The video discusses comedian Sugar Sammy's four upcoming performance in Winnipeg. He talks about his style of humor, which often includes edgy and provocative topics. He also shares his excitement about returning to Canada for his shows and connecting with audiences through comedy that crosses cultural boundaries.
Watch the full interview here.